Only Gods Last Forever

Globalization is influencing us more and more, but globalization is still an undefined and obscure concept for most of us. So close to us, but still very far.

We do have a complex relationship with globalization. We do not really understand where it comes from, neither where it leads us, but it is here and we have to deal with it. At the end of the day, globalization looks every day more common, legitimate and -apparently- endless for the human minds: we have gotten used to globalization today.

Nowadays 99,9% of humans are impacted by the same global challenges, values, policies and brands. In other words, 99,9% of us are then getting -by definition- ‘globalized’ today. We do not live inside globalization anymore, we now embody globalization, we belong to it.

The impact of globalization indeed is not only economical, social or political: it its mainly cultural and psychological. Our ways of thinking, doing and belonging change because of globalization. Globalization creates new humans: abovegrounded people, standardized consumers and unsettled citizens.

From Homo Localis to Homo Globalis? From Homo centralized to Homo polarized?

In fact, it is not so important to know what will happen in the future. The important thing is to keep in mind that what is ordinary, legitimate and endless today is not tomorrow: all contexts change and are replaced. Let us remember that globalization -whatever its impact and its power today- is just a very specific process which still remains a product of human behaviour and minds.

Globalization does not exists without us, does not live outside of us: we are globalization. What kind of humans we want to be in the future is thus still a matter of choice. Only gods last forever.

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